
Thursday 30 November 2017

Reading Activities

These are my  reading activities about the book called The Curse Of Being Pharaoh .I enjoyed doing this. Maybe next time I could add more images. 

St. Patrick's Timeline

This week in R.E we had to pick and research a Saint of our choice. We then had to create a timeline for them. I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn more about St.Patrick. Next time I will add some images to my slideshow and use something to make my timeline more interesting.

Tuesday 21 November 2017


WALT: Describe the cultural significance of a Pouwhenua.
I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn more about a Pouwhenua.
Next time I will try to add more detail.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

W.A.L.T-Adding and Subtracting decimals
I enjoyed making this DLO because I learnt a lot about decimals
next time I should put pictures and colours


W.A.L.T... Explore and use a scale to work out distances on a map.
I enjoyed doing this because I used slideshow to create my DLO. Next time I should put quiz and add more pictures and colours

Monday 13 November 2017



Neyo woked up from his slumber and went to his Gaming Computer.
He went to this site called ROBLOX
Neyo logged into his account
And saw that he got mail , he hovered the cursor to the mail icon and clicked it
It was from a guy called g3tr0bUx937

Neyo press his username, the title was Free Robux  

It says…

It was a dream come true I can get as many robux as I want!
He told himself,
So Neyo searched the website
It says that he needs to put my password and my username
So he did…
It told him to wait for 4-5 minute
While he wait he went to youtube and watch some videos.
5 minute passed by Neyo  went back to the site (
Then it said…
So he  did Neyo sign out and log in,
Then press enter but it said it was incorrct so he I tried again.
But rewrite my username and my password,
But it was no use he just noticed Neyo got…
Lesson learned don’t trust the site they give you if it says “Free Robux”

WALT: Use a variety of punctuation.
I enjoyed doing this because to create my own story.
Next time I will try and add more describing words.

Thursday 19 October 2017


W.A.L.T:Describe what a Taonga is and identify resources that are Tango in Aotearoa. What I enjoyed was learning about the legend of the bringing of the green stone to New Zealand. What I could do next time is to add images and colour.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

🐺The Life of the Wolf who have been abandoned by his parents.🐺-WRITING

🐺The Life of the Wolf who have been🐺 abandoned by his parents.

Day 1:
It was morning and I knew it was time to hunt.I walked into the forest
And in less than an hour I found my prey.I snuck around the deer and pounced on it jumped on the deer then I gave it a big bite,the deer was screaming for mercy but I just ignored  and kept biting until only bones were no meat is left behind.

Day 2:
I had a relaxing nap I woke up and thought it was time to find a new shelter,I left.I hiked in the frosty morning finding a new shelter.five hours later no food no breaks It was useless I haven’t found a shelter and it was dark.So I placed my body into the snow and slept.

Day 3:
I woke up,my body was freezing when I slowly raise my body I was shaking.I took my time to get used to the weather after that I kept hiking until I found my new shelter.Finally I found a good shelter to stay,I rest my body on the hard surface and finally taken a rest.

Day 4:
It was time to hunt for food I went outside and went to the forest.Later that day I found a pack,a pack of wolf I hid on one of the trees.I knew it was time to join a wolf pack,so I asked the Alpha to fight one of their hunters “If I win I will join your wolf pack,but if I lose I will give you my shelter and everything I have” The Alpha laughed after he finished laughing he accepted the challenge.

Day 5:
It was time all my life I had been finding a pack to join and here I was going to fight the hunter in their pack,I was staring at the hunter’s eyes he was desperate to tear me into pieces in that moment I started to get worried but it was too late to cancel the fight.The Alpha call out “ARE YOU READY?” We both nodded “WELL THEN,LET'S BEGIN!” The hunter rushed towards  to give me a bite but I dodge his attack, I gave him a bite in the back but it wasn’t enough to defeat him so I gave him another bite in the back, he was slowly got weaker and weaker then he died that was easy I thought.Some of the  wolf's gasp, the alpha was impress “You’re officially part of our Wolf pack!” All the wolfs was howling.Later that night the wolves was impress with my hunting skills so the alpha promoted me to Lead Hunter later that we went hunting with my hunters and got two deers for the pack.

Friday 29 September 2017

PE-Gymnastic dance

Here is our gymnastics dance that we were to do for our PE. We were to choose a group of 4-5 and create a dance, choosing music of our choice, the dance will last 1 min. 
What I found easy-Practicing the dance
What I found hard-Performing the dance
What We could next time-To put blue screen on the floor.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Responsibility: One Of Our C.E.R.R Values

In class we have been talking about how we are showing responsibility around our school.
What I Found Easy: Making the people
What I Found Hard: Making the animation
What I Could Next Time: Make it look better

Thursday 21 September 2017

Objects In the Classroom(And Outside)

 W.A.L.T-Calculate the perimeter, area and volume of different shapes. What I enjoyed was learning the perimeter of  a square. What I could do next time is to add more information.
What I found hard-is to measure the objects
What I found easy-Making the slideshow
What I could next time-Put more pictures+colours

Fairy Tail GRAND MAGIC GAMES-Pick A Path Story

W.A.L.T-Use appropriate language features for a pick a path story. What I found hard nothing What I found easy is to make my pic a path story What I could do next time out more pictures

Wednesday 20 September 2017


Powered by emaze
In school we're doing our inquires which i'm doing, I am learning about Homeless children, Child Soldiers, Child Labour
What I could next time to put more images and colours What I found hard is finding information What I found easy Nothing

Monday 18 September 2017

Topic Isolated

W.A.L.T-Identify people in our community who may be isolated
What I found hard-Finding people who is isolated
What I found easy-Explaining why they are isolated
What I could next time-Nothing

Thursday 14 September 2017

Perimeters And Areas|Week 8

W.A.L.T-Calculate the perimeter and area of squares, rectangles and triangles
What I found hard: Solving it.
What I found easy: Doing the slideshow
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Thursday 7 September 2017

How to calculate the cuboids

W.A.L.T-How to calculate the volume of a cuboid
What I found hard: nothing
What I found easy:calculate the cuboid
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Is Graffiti Art Or Just Messy?

Is Graffiti Art Or Just Messy?
Is Graffiti art or just messy?Well in my opinion I strongly agree that graffiti is art here is some facts on why graffiti is art.

First of all what is graffiti?Graffiti is a  writing or drawings scribbled, or sprayed illegally  on a wall or other surface in a public place.Ok now let's talk about why graffiti is art,some of the Graffiti artist make graffiti with  meanings on it but some of them make graffiti just to show their talent. Cities and public areas would be boring without the bright colours and imagination spread across the walls that we call graffiti.

Secondly some cities encourage graffiti and benefit greatly because of it. It represents a more diversely cultured society and has proven to reduce many problems in various cities.

There's a lot of wars going on and Graffiti artist is trying to stop it by making graffiti that is telling us to stop and make peace to the world.There maybe some scribbled and swear words and names in walls,that is called vandalism!Here is a examples.

Banksy known as the most famous Graffiti artist makes money by doing graffiti, the one I personally like is the Balloon Girl Banksy made that art back in 2014 he made this when he made a campaign supporting Syrian refugees.

In conclusion I believe that Graffiti is art, not messy without graffiti the world will become boring without the bright colours and imagination spread across the walls.People can admire the artist’s work,and persuade children to do art and expand their imagination.That is why Graffiti is art!


What I found hard: Explaining how Graffiti is art
What I found easy: Finding information about Graffiti artists and Graffiti Art.
What I could do next time: Add more images of Graffiti to backup my facts about Graffiti art. 

Tuesday 29 August 2017

B.E.D.M.A.S Game!-Maths-Week 7

What I found hard: I found it hard to do the actual order cause some people do things differently.
What I found easy: to find the action for the event.
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

“We Have The freedom to Learn without people interrupting Our Learning”

  W.A.L.T-Use words and pictures to convey our thoughts.
What I found hard: Nothing
What I found easy: to make the image
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

A Blank Canvas | Writing

Picture 2.png

  Alien 👽Invasion
For Writing we were given a task to create an image to fill in a Blank Canvas, then write two paragraphs with Complex+Compound Sentences, my image is inspired by an alien invasion.
What I found hard:Thinking what to write about
What I found easy:Making the image
What I could do next:Make my own alien, people etc.

Draft Introduction:
People say in the future Aliens will invade Planet Earth and destroy the Human race, some of them disagreed.There are a  lot of videos about seeing UFO/ Aliens but scientist have no scientific proof they are real.

Draft Paragraph 1:
It was a cheerful morning at New York the sun was scorching,workers went to work and children went school but then a flying saucer crashed out of nowhere at central park.Citizens shriek and rush for safety, police arrived investigating the Flying Saucer but then the hatchet opened.A big headed creature slowly creeped out,it was an alien he telling something in a different language the police were confused.The head of the police called alien experts to meet at Central Park, they all arrived at the same time they were so excited to see the alien+Flying Saucer.They looked around the saucer, the alien was calm he wasn’t trying to attack the experts.

One week later the expert send the flying saucer and the alien to a secret base where they can study the alien.Scientist were doing experiments then they heard a loud bang,the officer told them to calm down and took off to see what happen.he let out a gasp there was three aliens holding laser guns standing right front of him,one of the aliens pointed the gun at the officer and pulled the trigger,the officer turned into ashes...They looked at the pile of ashes and nodded at each other and went to the room where they kept the alien,when they got there they saw a group S.W.A.T guarding the door.One of the S.W.A.T looked at the aliens then  yelled “FIRE” Bullet hissing in each direction everywhere the  aliens go,one of the aliens point its laser gun on one the S.W.A.T and pulled the trigger the S.W.A.T was too late he turned into a pile of ashes...

Will the Aliens succeed to destroy  planet Earth?

To be continued...

Thursday 17 August 2017

Maths-Parts Of a Circle

WALT. Identify the different parts of a circle.
What I found hard: I found it quite hard to remember the different parts  yet I am improving.
What I found easy: Setting out my DLO to make it seem clear.
What I could do next time: Possibly add images of actual circles. 

Thursday 10 August 2017

Climate Change In Tonga

WALT. Understand the impact Climate Change is having on Communities in parts of Tonga.
What I found hard: Nothing. 
What I found easy: Setting out the Slideshow.
What I could do next time: Create more images instead of using other peoples images.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Climate Change Officers Needed!!!|Reading|Week 3

 Climate Change  Officers Needed!!!

Short introduction
Climate change has always been a problem for generations, and generations to come in the further. Applying for Climate Change Officer will make a change.You have the opportunity to travel to countries and experience what is it like to be there and what they needed.
Role responsibilities
As an Climate Change Officer, you’ll have tasks that will require your cooperation to make it happen, tasks such as:
-Assisting when preparing help kits (filled with nonperishable food, Hygiene products,etc.) before their departure.
  • Observing damages from recent Climate encounters, etc then:  
  • Reporting to Climate Change Leader

Person specification
We are looking for people that contain some of these qualities:
  • Must have any time of weather (Have any time experience/knowledge with/about climate change).
  • RESPECT, You need to respect the Officer and Staff+Culture

50k per year
We travel all around the world but we are currently in Tonga  due to their lack of undrinkable water(and other problems) , they having to harvest rainwater.

WALT. Describe the qualities of someone who is an effective advocate for others.
What I found hard: Finding out most things about Climate Change Officer.
What I found easy: Making it good
What I could do next time:Add more information

Friday 28 July 2017

Holy Trinity-Reading

What I found easy:Searching Facts
What I found:Summarizing in my own words
What I could do next time:More pictures and colours.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Matriki-Reading-Week 10

For three weeks our class has been making an Matariki animation to show what Matariki is. Me and my partner Moni have been making one and this is it. 
It was hard to make the the stars
Next time put more colours

Writing-How Paper, Scissor, Rock Was Made

We had to write a legend in or book and when we were finish we had to make into a book using paper or a Slideshow.
What i found hard:Making the pictures
What I found easy: Typing
What I could do next time:Put more colours and make my own pictures

Monday 3 July 2017

Religious Education-Importance Of Creation

W.A.L.T-Recognize that God is spirit Wairua and is greater than anything created.
What I found hard is thinking of what I could put on.
What I found easy is to put images
What I could do next is make it look better.

Thursday 29 June 2017

Math DLO-Week 9

W.A.L.T-I am learning to solve division problems by changing them to simpler problems that have the same answer
What I found hard: I found it hard the solve division problem
What I found easy: To learn how to solve the division problem
What I could do next time: Put pictures and a reflection

Friday 23 June 2017

Turtle Academy-Topic- Week 8

W.A.L.T-Create a Cross on turtle academy using prior knowledge of coding instructions.
What I found hard: I found it hard do the cross because I didn't know whats the codes
What I found easy: to discover how to make the cross
What I could do next time: Make the bottom of the cross longer.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Topic Sentence-Week 8-Writing

A Heavy storm appeared water dripping in the ceiling, branches crashes in the sides of the cabin firm wind burst inside the cabin, the man startled and awaken from his slumber. He crawl slowly to the side of the cabin he peek outside and notice the Storm, The man feels lonely but he wasn’t alone there was Rats crawling, gathering food. The man starve he was keen to find food, he peek for the second time if there's any food that he can eat, he saw an apple tree it was full of apples but it was bitter outside. He expect that the Storm will disappear really soon, as the man is waiting he look around the cabin, he felt so tired he fall asleep.

In the Morning he woke up the sun is shining bird singing the walked out from the cabin, he decided to find food. The Man hike in the open meadow, he went to a forest and found a camping site, the man call out if theirs people. The People walked outside their tents and saw the man standing with filthy clothes.A Woman provide clean clothes the Man and a Child gave the Man food.The Man was happy that he found this Camp site, A Family decided that the man can stay with them until they found a home for the Man.

W.A.L.T-Generate an attribute chart to develop and sort ideas and details for descriptive writing
What I found hard: I found it hard to show not tell but I did my best.
What I found easy: Imagine what happen to the man in the cabin
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Ramadan-Week 6

W.A.L.T- Identify customs and traditions associated with different cultures
What I found hard: I found it hard to explain facts
What I found easy: to decorate the slideshow
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.