
Tuesday 5 September 2017

Is Graffiti Art Or Just Messy?

Is Graffiti Art Or Just Messy?
Is Graffiti art or just messy?Well in my opinion I strongly agree that graffiti is art here is some facts on why graffiti is art.

First of all what is graffiti?Graffiti is a  writing or drawings scribbled, or sprayed illegally  on a wall or other surface in a public place.Ok now let's talk about why graffiti is art,some of the Graffiti artist make graffiti with  meanings on it but some of them make graffiti just to show their talent. Cities and public areas would be boring without the bright colours and imagination spread across the walls that we call graffiti.

Secondly some cities encourage graffiti and benefit greatly because of it. It represents a more diversely cultured society and has proven to reduce many problems in various cities.

There's a lot of wars going on and Graffiti artist is trying to stop it by making graffiti that is telling us to stop and make peace to the world.There maybe some scribbled and swear words and names in walls,that is called vandalism!Here is a examples.

Banksy known as the most famous Graffiti artist makes money by doing graffiti, the one I personally like is the Balloon Girl Banksy made that art back in 2014 he made this when he made a campaign supporting Syrian refugees.

In conclusion I believe that Graffiti is art, not messy without graffiti the world will become boring without the bright colours and imagination spread across the walls.People can admire the artist’s work,and persuade children to do art and expand their imagination.That is why Graffiti is art!


What I found hard: Explaining how Graffiti is art
What I found easy: Finding information about Graffiti artists and Graffiti Art.
What I could do next time: Add more images of Graffiti to backup my facts about Graffiti art. 


  1. Hi Nathan, you have a great argument. Near the beginning you did state some facts which would be more useful if you were debating the other side. I also think that well done graffiti looks great and makes cities more alive however, tagging is a right pain. I also really like your graffiti picture. Next time you could find more facts to support you argument.

  2. Hey Nathan,
    What a great post. I enjoyed the links to the images and research. I also liked that you explained what Graffiti was. The image you have created is fantastic! Do you do any Graffiti Art at all? I think you could be pretty good at it!
    Your post made me think more about the different "wars" that go on in a community - do you think it is right that people tag up neighbourhoods that aren't theirs?
    To make your post better you could think about adding some more information about Graffiti Artists who sell their work or who have their work taken down and preserved - do you know about this?


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