
Thursday 24 May 2018

The movies

In 28th of April 2018 in the evening,I was playing Fortnite on my Computer, I looked at the time and it was 6:10 so I continued playing. Then I died and came 5th place and I looked at the time once again and it was 6:25 It was time to change, why? Because me and a couple of friends are going to the movies to watch Avengers Infinity War. I finished changing and went to my Dad’s car  

A few minutes past, I arrived at Riccarton Mall, I saw Mathan and Sione but no Lance, Rheanna, or Annabelle, So we waited for a few minutes and finally they arrived. Lance showed his new phone to Mathan and he got a little jealous.

Me and Lance were going to buy Starbucks but run out of time because the movie was going to start so we went inside to watch the movie. Some parts are really sad and some are really Hilarious, I don't want to spoil the movie for you if you haven’t watched it, The Movie was finished and we went to a mini arcade to goof around a little bit and then my dad picked me up and he asked if I wanted to buy Pizza? And I said yes so we went to Pizza Hut to buy Simply Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza, we went home to eat the pizza and then I went to sleep.

I enjoyed the movie because I got to hang out with my friends and watch the new Avengers movie.

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