
Wednesday 18 October 2017

🐺The Life of the Wolf who have been abandoned by his parents.🐺-WRITING

🐺The Life of the Wolf who have been🐺 abandoned by his parents.

Day 1:
It was morning and I knew it was time to hunt.I walked into the forest
And in less than an hour I found my prey.I snuck around the deer and pounced on it jumped on the deer then I gave it a big bite,the deer was screaming for mercy but I just ignored  and kept biting until only bones were no meat is left behind.

Day 2:
I had a relaxing nap I woke up and thought it was time to find a new shelter,I left.I hiked in the frosty morning finding a new shelter.five hours later no food no breaks It was useless I haven’t found a shelter and it was dark.So I placed my body into the snow and slept.

Day 3:
I woke up,my body was freezing when I slowly raise my body I was shaking.I took my time to get used to the weather after that I kept hiking until I found my new shelter.Finally I found a good shelter to stay,I rest my body on the hard surface and finally taken a rest.

Day 4:
It was time to hunt for food I went outside and went to the forest.Later that day I found a pack,a pack of wolf I hid on one of the trees.I knew it was time to join a wolf pack,so I asked the Alpha to fight one of their hunters “If I win I will join your wolf pack,but if I lose I will give you my shelter and everything I have” The Alpha laughed after he finished laughing he accepted the challenge.

Day 5:
It was time all my life I had been finding a pack to join and here I was going to fight the hunter in their pack,I was staring at the hunter’s eyes he was desperate to tear me into pieces in that moment I started to get worried but it was too late to cancel the fight.The Alpha call out “ARE YOU READY?” We both nodded “WELL THEN,LET'S BEGIN!” The hunter rushed towards  to give me a bite but I dodge his attack, I gave him a bite in the back but it wasn’t enough to defeat him so I gave him another bite in the back, he was slowly got weaker and weaker then he died that was easy I thought.Some of the  wolf's gasp, the alpha was impress “You’re officially part of our Wolf pack!” All the wolfs was howling.Later that night the wolves was impress with my hunting skills so the alpha promoted me to Lead Hunter later that we went hunting with my hunters and got two deers for the pack.

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