
Wednesday 12 April 2017

Writing - Flashback Perspective "Show not tell" - The Anzac puppy by Peter Millett and Trish Bowles

W.A.L.T:Write a flashback from a different perspective and use show not tell

It was 1915 a freezing morning,the wind was bitter,gun shots hissing,people begging for help,I was frightened of the explosions.It left a ringing noise in my ears.As I was in the trenches,terrified but I wasn’t alone.I had Freda to comfort me.

The next day the sun rising up,birds singing as the sergeant said the war was over.o bullets hissing no explosions booming.Me and Freda went back to town to meet up with Lucy.Lucy was glad to see Freda alive.
In Class, we read this book called: The Anzac puppy by Peter Millett & Trish Bowles, after reading the book we had to write a perspective from one of the Characters and I picked Sam. I love writing this flashback because I got to imagine whats like at war.

I found it easy to perspective because sometimes I write my own story to my little brother.

I found it hard to think of a describing word.
Freda's Grave © Michael Marsh :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

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