
Wednesday 12 December 2018

Silhouette: Birth of Jesus

1 John 5:11
 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

What I found hard: Cutting the pictures (Characters)
What I found easy: Painting the background 
What I will do next time: Add more characters, e.g Angels

Friday 7 December 2018

The Golden Shrimp

For the past few weeks we've been creating a picture book. We have been planning and drawing to make our book. After we finish making our book our teacher Ms. Wilton prints our slide and put it all together to make it into a proper book so people can read it.

What I found hard: Making the story
What I found easy: Drawing the pictures
What I will do next time: Make it more interesting 


W.A.L.T Describe what Advent means to Catholics and how we celebrate it.

What I found hard: Learning about Advent Wreath
What I found easy: Making the slideshow
What I will do next time: Make it look better

Thursday 6 December 2018

Suitcase List

Suitcase List:


What will the weather be like in Tokyo?
Variable cloudiness

Thursday 29 November 2018

Classroom Objects In Maori

In class we have been leaning how to say basic phrase in Maori. In this DLO, it has Lance (my partner) and me saying classroom objects in Maori

Wednesday 24 October 2018


First Day Of High School

It was my first day of high school,I thanked the bus driver and hopped off the bus. my hands started to shake and I began to breath heavily, so I started to fidget with my blazer. I Slowly walked to class, not making eye contact with other students. I arrived to my first class, the bell rang right in time,and I decided to sit at the back of the class.

W.A.L.T... Use Show Not Tell
This week we used show not tell in our writing. We chose a feeling an used show not tell to explain that feeling.
What did you infer from reading my writing?
What I found easy: Thinking of a feeling
What I found hard: Writing it without telling what the feeling is
What I could do next time: Add more sentences

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Ngatu (Tapu Cloth)

W.A.L.T write using aspects of an information report structure
What I found Hard: Making my information Report
What I found Easy: Searching for Information
What I will do next time: Put more pictures and colours, and information

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Should Cellphones Be Banned In Schools?

Should Cellphones
Be Banned In Schools?

There is a lot of people who uses phones at schools, some of them uses it for studying for exams or using it to help them with homework. But some of the teacher all around the world disagree about children using phones at school. But I have some facts and reasons why it shouldn’t be banned at school.

First of all Cellphones are a great use for finding information, and it’s much easier and faster to find the information you're looking for. Books takes a lot of your time searching for the information you need.Some people uses phones to talk to people about homework, research, or projects. This can prepare students for the real world,most working people rely on their phones for work. They can access their email, call clients, check inventory, read the news, use software applications etc. And it's also a benefit too. 

Secondly incase on an emergency if the student forgot to bring his  homework, he could call his parents or caregiver and ask them to bring it to school without causing any problem.  In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or fire etc, phones could help students connect with worried parents.

Thirdly Students know they shouldn’t use their phones in school to play games, or listen to music, or text their friends about the quiz they just took. Phones should be used responsibly and for educational purposes.For example Students can use phones for download an app contains a lot of information for science.Teachers could prevent students from cheating by making students put their phones on “airplane mode” or any mode that will not allow them to send/receive any messages or use the Internet. Whenever there is a test, teachers can make students put their mobile devices in the front of the classroom until the test is over.

In Conclusion Phones should be allowed to be used at school because we can use it for educational purposes,teach them responsibility,  for serious emergency, and prepare them for the real world ahead of them. 

Monday 3 September 2018

7 Symbols Of The Sacraments

In class we have been learning about the 7 sacraments , after that we were tasked to make a the symbols of the 7 sacraments. What i found hard is nothing , what i found easy is to make the symbols, what i can do next is to draw them.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Converting Fractions, Percentage, Decimals

In Class we have been learning about how to Convert Fraction, decimals, and percentage. After we learn how to convert we were tasked to make a Interactive Slideshow on how to Convert Fractions e.g.What I found hard is to learn to convert, what I found easy to make the Slideshow, what I could do next is to make it more Interactive

Tuesday 7 August 2018


In Class we have been reading a Book called Posted made by John David Anderson, We were tasked every week to do activities about the book.

This Slide show will be updated every week.

Japan (Country Study)

In Class we have been tasked to pick a Country to study, every week we have activities to do, If we finish all our work we can do more activities. 

This Slideshow will be updated every week 

Thursday 2 August 2018

Ordering Decimals

This week we have been learning about ordering decimals, after we learnt how do that we were tasked to create a interactive DLO showing how to order decimals. What I found easy is to learn how to order decimals, what I found hard is creating the DLO

Tuesday 31 July 2018


W.A.L.T Explain How Different Cultures Produces Music

In Class we are learning about Instrument in different culture. We were task to find a Instrument from a culture and explain what there made of, What Countries that uses the instrument and how you use it. What I found easy is to find the information, what i found hard is to draw the insturment

Thursday 14 June 2018


I have been mean by telling someone that they are bad at handball, Why? I think I've been doing this because I am really competitive.


This week in class we are reading about Matariki, after reading the information we were task to create a DLO about how we celebrate Matariki. I enjoyed doing the DLO, what I found easy is  find information about Matariki.

Tuesday 5 June 2018


High School
I woke up in a bad mood, my feet are freezing cold
looked at the time and it was 7.30 in the morning
High School is starting, man I’m getting old
I stroll to the hall way and I hear my Dad snoring

I went to take a shower, it was a warm and relaxing.
Then went back to my room to wear fresh clean clothing.
I marched to the kitchen like a soldier to grab a piece of chicken wing
I went to the front gate and went to school scooting

Finally I arrived at school, I looked at my watch
I got time to spare, I looked around thinking what to do
Didn’t think of anything  but I spotted a guy named Josh
Got hungry, I went through my bag and found delicious beef stew

The bell rang, I rushed to Art class dodging every obstacle in my way
Got there just in time, I sat next to my best friend
I made a shark coloured gray
I felt a little sad because art class had its end

In class we read a ballad called Ben Hall, after reading it we were tasked to make our own ballad
Mine is about a boy going to High School.I enjoyed making my own Ballad I found hard searching for
rhyming word.

Friday 25 May 2018

Refugee Activities

In class we've been reading a book called Refugee, Ms Wilton our teacher made activities about the book Refugee for us to work on. Every week there will be new activity so I'll be adding new stuff in my slideshow.  

Ben Hall

In class we've been reading a ballad called The Death of Ben Hall we were tasked to make a wanted poster of Ben Hall if we finish our other work.I enjoyed doing to wanted poster

Thursday 24 May 2018

The movies

In 28th of April 2018 in the evening,I was playing Fortnite on my Computer, I looked at the time and it was 6:10 so I continued playing. Then I died and came 5th place and I looked at the time once again and it was 6:25 It was time to change, why? Because me and a couple of friends are going to the movies to watch Avengers Infinity War. I finished changing and went to my Dad’s car  

A few minutes past, I arrived at Riccarton Mall, I saw Mathan and Sione but no Lance, Rheanna, or Annabelle, So we waited for a few minutes and finally they arrived. Lance showed his new phone to Mathan and he got a little jealous.

Me and Lance were going to buy Starbucks but run out of time because the movie was going to start so we went inside to watch the movie. Some parts are really sad and some are really Hilarious, I don't want to spoil the movie for you if you haven’t watched it, The Movie was finished and we went to a mini arcade to goof around a little bit and then my dad picked me up and he asked if I wanted to buy Pizza? And I said yes so we went to Pizza Hut to buy Simply Cheese and Pepperoni Pizza, we went home to eat the pizza and then I went to sleep.

I enjoyed the movie because I got to hang out with my friends and watch the new Avengers movie.

Maths- Angles

In class we've been learning about angles, the class was tasked to make an interactive DLO about angles.I enjoyed doing the pop quiz, next time I will put more effort into my work.

Thursday 12 April 2018

{RE} Maximilian Kolbe

In Class we read about Maximilian Kolbe,we had to make a DLO about him.I enjoyed making the Picture of Maximilian, next time I will put more effort in my work.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

Commonwealth Games Medals

WALT: Describe what the medals look like and who designed them.
I enjoyed making the DLO
Next time I will put more Effort on my work

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Diamante Poem about ANZAC Veterans

In Class we were learning about Anzac Veterans, we had to make a Diamante poem, a diamante poem looks like a diamond. I found hard to find Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs about ANZAC Veteran, next time I will put more colours 

Commonwealth Games Athlete Tom Abercrombie

In Class we had to read about Athletes in the Commonwealth Games.We had to pick one athlete and make a DLO about their History and I chose Thomas Iain Aberchrombie a Pro Basketball player.I enjoyed making this DLO,next time I will put more Pictures and Information.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Maths- Transformation

In class we read a lot of Information about Transformation (Reflection, Enlargement, Rotation, Translation).We had to make a DLO about transformation.I enjoyed making the DLO because I learnt a lot from it, next time I will put more colour.

Commonwealth Games Facts

In class we had been learning about Commonwealth Games, From the Independent Work sheet I chose to make a Slideshow containing facts about Commonwealth Games.I enjoyed making this DLO because I learnt a lot from it, what I found hard is to find facts about Commonwealth Games, Next time I will put more facts, pictures, and colours.

Gold Coast Attraction (Commonwealth Games)

In class we had been reading about Commonwealth Games.In the Independent work sheet I chose to make a poster about the attraction in the Gold Coast.I enjoyed making the Poster, Next time I will put more Information.

Commonwealth Games Basketball Poster

In class we read about Commonwealth Games, We had to pick a Independent work to do so I chose to make a detailed information poster about Basketball (Rules, Where it will be hosted, When it will be hosted)I enjoyed making the poster, I found hard to find the information about the event, next time I will put more Information. 

Friday 16 February 2018

Onomatopoeia Poem

Onomatopoeia Poem

Sizzle crackle fizz, sizzle crackle fizz
“The fireworks is eager to fly to the sky...”

Bang fizz pop boom , bang fizz pop boom
“THe fireworks take off to the blue clear sky!”

fizz bang pop buzz, fizz bang pop buzz
“The fireworks are lighting up the sky”

In our class, we've been making a Onomatopoeia poem about fireworks.

What I found hard: was finding more Onomatopoeia about FIreworks
What I found easy: Making my poem
What I could do next time: Make it longer and making it Intresting

Thursday 15 February 2018

Shrove Tuesday

WALT Summaries it in our own words
This week we've been learning about Shrove Tuesday
What I found hard: Finding facts
What I found easy: Putting it in my own words
What I could do next time: Put pictures and colours