
Thursday 9 August 2018

Converting Fractions, Percentage, Decimals

In Class we have been learning about how to Convert Fraction, decimals, and percentage. After we learn how to convert we were tasked to make a Interactive Slideshow on how to Convert Fractions e.g.What I found hard is to learn to convert, what I found easy to make the Slideshow, what I could do next is to make it more Interactive


  1. Hiya Nathan,
    I like this post about conversion . I like how you used examples to explain everything . Maybe next time you could make your slide more exciting and interactive . I like all the colors you have introduced .

  2. Hi Nathan, I really enjoyed going through your DLO about how to covert fractions, Decimals and percentages. I like your presentation here on teaching us on how to convert fractions, decimals and percentages and how you have added a lot of information.Maybe next time you could of added a quiz at the end to check if your viewers have actually learnt how to covert fractions, decimals and percentages. Other than that keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Nathan,
    I really like your presentation about how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. It has a lot of information and it's really colorful, maybe next time you can add a quiz or add images. Other than that, nice presentation.

  4. Hello Nathan,
    It Niel I really like how you made you DLO about how to convert fractions, Decimals and percentages it is really in depth. I learnt from from it too, how? it's because you added lots of information I appreciate it. Maybe you could add a little more information and also you could put quizzes to challenge me and other viewers. Wow! Keep up your excellent work Nathan I hope you make great improve in the future.

    Your regards Niel Martinez


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