
Tuesday 7 August 2018

Japan (Country Study)

In Class we have been tasked to pick a Country to study, every week we have activities to do, If we finish all our work we can do more activities. 

This Slideshow will be updated every week 


  1. Greetings Nathan,
    This is Sione from Room 6
    Thank you for sharing this information on Japan with the world! This is really helpful. I hope I can go there... in my dreams.

  2. Hii Nathan,
    I really enjoyed going through your DLO about Japan. I liked how you have created your own drawings and ive learned alot about Japan already. I am looking forward learn more about Japan. Keep up the good work

  3. Hay there Nathan it is Kurtis, great work on creating your D.L.O i really really like the way you have created your own pitchers and put in the google translate. keep up the great and cool work.

  4. Hey Nathan,
    I was lead to your blog by your classmate Lance - he mentioned that he has used your google drawing and I wanted to see if you had any other amazing google drawings on your blog!
    I am looking for some examples of great google drawings to show teachers all over New Zealand.
    Your DLO is great - very clear and your introduction let's me know what is happening. I am in awe of your drawings they are just incredible. I am wondering if you made all of them yourself or if there are some you got from online? (Obviously the tempura and wave are pictures from online).
    I also really want to know why you chose Japan?
    I look forward to hearing from you!
    - Miss Morgan


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