
Wednesday 12 December 2018

Silhouette: Birth of Jesus

1 John 5:11
 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

What I found hard: Cutting the pictures (Characters)
What I found easy: Painting the background 
What I will do next time: Add more characters, e.g Angels

Friday 7 December 2018

The Golden Shrimp

For the past few weeks we've been creating a picture book. We have been planning and drawing to make our book. After we finish making our book our teacher Ms. Wilton prints our slide and put it all together to make it into a proper book so people can read it.

What I found hard: Making the story
What I found easy: Drawing the pictures
What I will do next time: Make it more interesting 


W.A.L.T Describe what Advent means to Catholics and how we celebrate it.

What I found hard: Learning about Advent Wreath
What I found easy: Making the slideshow
What I will do next time: Make it look better

Thursday 6 December 2018

Suitcase List

Suitcase List:


What will the weather be like in Tokyo?
Variable cloudiness

Thursday 29 November 2018

Classroom Objects In Maori

In class we have been leaning how to say basic phrase in Maori. In this DLO, it has Lance (my partner) and me saying classroom objects in Maori

Wednesday 24 October 2018


First Day Of High School

It was my first day of high school,I thanked the bus driver and hopped off the bus. my hands started to shake and I began to breath heavily, so I started to fidget with my blazer. I Slowly walked to class, not making eye contact with other students. I arrived to my first class, the bell rang right in time,and I decided to sit at the back of the class.

W.A.L.T... Use Show Not Tell
This week we used show not tell in our writing. We chose a feeling an used show not tell to explain that feeling.
What did you infer from reading my writing?
What I found easy: Thinking of a feeling
What I found hard: Writing it without telling what the feeling is
What I could do next time: Add more sentences