
Friday 16 February 2018

Onomatopoeia Poem

Onomatopoeia Poem

Sizzle crackle fizz, sizzle crackle fizz
“The fireworks is eager to fly to the sky...”

Bang fizz pop boom , bang fizz pop boom
“THe fireworks take off to the blue clear sky!”

fizz bang pop buzz, fizz bang pop buzz
“The fireworks are lighting up the sky”

In our class, we've been making a Onomatopoeia poem about fireworks.

What I found hard: was finding more Onomatopoeia about FIreworks
What I found easy: Making my poem
What I could do next time: Make it longer and making it Intresting

Thursday 15 February 2018

Shrove Tuesday

WALT Summaries it in our own words
This week we've been learning about Shrove Tuesday
What I found hard: Finding facts
What I found easy: Putting it in my own words
What I could do next time: Put pictures and colours