
Friday 28 July 2017

Holy Trinity-Reading

What I found easy:Searching Facts
What I found:Summarizing in my own words
What I could do next time:More pictures and colours.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Matriki-Reading-Week 10

For three weeks our class has been making an Matariki animation to show what Matariki is. Me and my partner Moni have been making one and this is it. 
It was hard to make the the stars
Next time put more colours

Writing-How Paper, Scissor, Rock Was Made

We had to write a legend in or book and when we were finish we had to make into a book using paper or a Slideshow.
What i found hard:Making the pictures
What I found easy: Typing
What I could do next time:Put more colours and make my own pictures

Monday 3 July 2017

Religious Education-Importance Of Creation

W.A.L.T-Recognize that God is spirit Wairua and is greater than anything created.
What I found hard is thinking of what I could put on.
What I found easy is to put images
What I could do next is make it look better.