
Monday 20 March 2017


Story of Goldilocks

There was a girl named Goldilocks she was very smelly,The neighbor yelled”You smelly little girl do not go inside my house or else I will tell your Parent.”Goldilocks did not listen.She went inside the house and she smash anything in sight.She got caught by her neighbor who owned the house.The neighbor’s face was red,He walked to Goldilocks house and knock on their door.Her Mother opened the door and saw a the neighbor with fire on his eyes and screamed”Your daughter,Goldilocks broke into my house and destroy my belongings!!”Her Mother was surprised she called his Husband and told everything the neighbor told to Goldilocks Mother and decided they should tell Goldilocks to leave the house and never come back again.Goldilocks left the house with angry thoughts. as she went to the forest.In the forest there was three bears who lives in a small house they were enjoying their porridge until Goldilocks interrupted them.The tallest bear grab Goldilocks in the arm and ask”Who are you and why are you here!?”He continued”You are so smelly!,and delicious.”Goldilocks scream in horror and beg not to eat her,He knock out Goldilocks and cooked her and they eat her for dinner.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Maths-Group 3-Standard Work Form Week 7

W.A.L.T-solve addition and subtraction problems by using rounding and compensating
What I found hard: I found it hard to explain the learning because I'm not really good at explaining my learning.
What I found easy: I found it easy to create the slideshow because I really enjoy creating slideshows by myself.

Friday 10 March 2017

Math Group 3 Standard Work Form

WALT. Solve subtraction problems using place value
What I found hard: I found it hard to explain the learning because I'm not really good at explaining my learning.
What I found easy: I found it easy to create the slideshow because I really enjoy creating slideshows by myself and other people.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Reading-Treaty of Waitangi

WALT... Explore and describe events about the treaty of waitangi. I found this fun because i got to find more about the treaty of waitangi, next time I can put more pictures and put more information.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Math-Time Series Data

                   WALT. Analyse and evaluate ways in which data has been handled and                                        represented in media reports.
                          What I found hard: Is not getting bored because me and my                                    buddy just stare at the road.
                                What I could do next time: I could put more images and                                   more details.