
Thursday 9 August 2018

Converting Fractions, Percentage, Decimals

In Class we have been learning about how to Convert Fraction, decimals, and percentage. After we learn how to convert we were tasked to make a Interactive Slideshow on how to Convert Fractions e.g.What I found hard is to learn to convert, what I found easy to make the Slideshow, what I could do next is to make it more Interactive

Tuesday 7 August 2018


In Class we have been reading a Book called Posted made by John David Anderson, We were tasked every week to do activities about the book.

This Slide show will be updated every week.

Japan (Country Study)

In Class we have been tasked to pick a Country to study, every week we have activities to do, If we finish all our work we can do more activities. 

This Slideshow will be updated every week 

Thursday 2 August 2018

Ordering Decimals

This week we have been learning about ordering decimals, after we learnt how do that we were tasked to create a interactive DLO showing how to order decimals. What I found easy is to learn how to order decimals, what I found hard is creating the DLO