
Thursday 29 March 2018

Maths- Transformation

In class we read a lot of Information about Transformation (Reflection, Enlargement, Rotation, Translation).We had to make a DLO about transformation.I enjoyed making the DLO because I learnt a lot from it, next time I will put more colour.

Commonwealth Games Facts

In class we had been learning about Commonwealth Games, From the Independent Work sheet I chose to make a Slideshow containing facts about Commonwealth Games.I enjoyed making this DLO because I learnt a lot from it, what I found hard is to find facts about Commonwealth Games, Next time I will put more facts, pictures, and colours.

Gold Coast Attraction (Commonwealth Games)

In class we had been reading about Commonwealth Games.In the Independent work sheet I chose to make a poster about the attraction in the Gold Coast.I enjoyed making the Poster, Next time I will put more Information.

Commonwealth Games Basketball Poster

In class we read about Commonwealth Games, We had to pick a Independent work to do so I chose to make a detailed information poster about Basketball (Rules, Where it will be hosted, When it will be hosted)I enjoyed making the poster, I found hard to find the information about the event, next time I will put more Information.