
Tuesday 30 May 2017

RE-Seed Of the Word

WALT...Explain the meaning of the term Seed of the Word
What I found hard is that explaining what the seed of the word means
what I found easy that to make the symbols
What I can do next time put more pictures and colours

Thursday 25 May 2017

Reading-Week 4-Endangered Animals

What I can do next...I can put more colour and pictures
What I think was easy was searching about what is a endangerd animal
What I found hard is that whenI tried to make a wolf for the first slide.At least I finished it.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

RE-Week 4-Te Wairua Tapu Prepares People For The Mission

WALT...Recognize that Te Wairua Tapu Prepares People for the Mission
What I can do next is to put pictures
What I found easy is putting the order of the operations
What I found hard is how I can decorate it.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Week 3-Topic-Mould/Animals

WALT Differentiate between plant like and animal-like characteristics of mould
What I can do next time put picture and put effort

Harris Burdick-Reading-Week 3-Under The Rug

This week Ms St. John gave us a photo with only one sentence, are task was to make a creative writing what is under the rug with the first sentence. I really enjoyed writing this Story because I got to come up events that happen in the story.I can do next time to put more descriptive words and colors.

Under The Rug

Two weeks passed it happened again a strange bump on the rug, when Mr.Jakob Burdick grabbed a chair on the living room and tried to smack it, But failed. He tried again. Failed. He tried to catch the bump but it was to fast, he tried to block the way but disappeared to the dark He called Police, “911 What’s your emergency?” “There's a strange bump on my rug, and it’s moving!” Jakob Panic “We will be there just wait for just 20 minutes or less ok?” “O-Ok” Then Jakob saw the bump in the edge of his eye he couldn’t saw what was that strange bump,Then Jakob tried to hit the bump again, “What should I do? Put a cage? Jakob asked himself.

15 Minutes Later… Finally Jakob found the perfect cage, he placed the cage onto the rug and the bump tried to escape, but Jakob placed a heavy object onto the cage.The Police arrived in the correct time, a Police Officer sneak a pick inside the rug it was a poor innocent white cat, Jakob remembered his white cat. He thought she was dead, Jakob was surprised and relief to see h cat again.

The End.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Tongan Language

In term one we have been learning about the Tongan language with Sister Monika. We learnt that if you put a macron on a letter could make the sound longer  .It was hard for me to understand and how to pronounce it.Next time I could put more pictures and colours.


W.A.L.T-Understand and explain the rules for orders of operation,including explaining the acronym for B.E.D.M.A.S
What I found hard: I to work with a buddy because I like working alone.
What I found easy: to explain what is the meaning of B.E.D.M.A.S.
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Writing-Recount-The Boss Baby

W.A.L.T...Use the correct structure for a recount

Boss Baby

It was Thursday afternoon,me and my family decided that we were going to watch the Boss Baby, at home.My Mum went on this website called 123movie,She searched up Boss Baby and she cast the movie,so we can watch the movie in the T.V.While me and my Dad pop some popcorn,my sister and my little brother was sitting on the couch waiting for the movie.Me,my Dad,my Mum sat down on the couch because the movie was about to start,my sister and my little brother was so excited.

After the movie,my Mum and my Dad started cleaning the mess.While me and my sister and my little brother started talking about are favourite part of the movie.My sister said that her favourite part of the movie was when the baby was dressed into a dog and then the a dog sniff the baby’s bottom.I told my sister it was my favourite part too.I asked my little brother what was his favourite part was.He said he like the cute puppy that can live forever.

I really like the movie because there was a lot of emotion put on the movie e.g funny, sad, interesting etc. I wish there will be a part 2 of the Boss Baby.

W.A.L.T-Use the correct structure for a recount
This week for writing we have been writing recounts.I enjoyed the holiday because I got to hang out with my family and time I can put a image and to put more descriptive words.

Monday 1 May 2017

Maths Order Of Operations

W.A.L.T-Recognize that order of operations matter in real life situations.
What I found hard: I found it hard to do the actual order cause some people do things differently.
What I found easy: to find the action for the event.
What I could do next time: Put a image and more colors.