
Tuesday 16 May 2017

Harris Burdick-Reading-Week 3-Under The Rug

This week Ms St. John gave us a photo with only one sentence, are task was to make a creative writing what is under the rug with the first sentence. I really enjoyed writing this Story because I got to come up events that happen in the story.I can do next time to put more descriptive words and colors.

Under The Rug

Two weeks passed it happened again a strange bump on the rug, when Mr.Jakob Burdick grabbed a chair on the living room and tried to smack it, But failed. He tried again. Failed. He tried to catch the bump but it was to fast, he tried to block the way but disappeared to the dark He called Police, “911 What’s your emergency?” “There's a strange bump on my rug, and it’s moving!” Jakob Panic “We will be there just wait for just 20 minutes or less ok?” “O-Ok” Then Jakob saw the bump in the edge of his eye he couldn’t saw what was that strange bump,Then Jakob tried to hit the bump again, “What should I do? Put a cage? Jakob asked himself.

15 Minutes Later… Finally Jakob found the perfect cage, he placed the cage onto the rug and the bump tried to escape, but Jakob placed a heavy object onto the cage.The Police arrived in the correct time, a Police Officer sneak a pick inside the rug it was a poor innocent white cat, Jakob remembered his white cat. He thought she was dead, Jakob was surprised and relief to see h cat again.

The End.

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