
Tuesday 18 September 2018

Ngatu (Tapu Cloth)

W.A.L.T write using aspects of an information report structure
What I found Hard: Making my information Report
What I found Easy: Searching for Information
What I will do next time: Put more pictures and colours, and information

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Should Cellphones Be Banned In Schools?

Should Cellphones
Be Banned In Schools?

There is a lot of people who uses phones at schools, some of them uses it for studying for exams or using it to help them with homework. But some of the teacher all around the world disagree about children using phones at school. But I have some facts and reasons why it shouldn’t be banned at school.

First of all Cellphones are a great use for finding information, and it’s much easier and faster to find the information you're looking for. Books takes a lot of your time searching for the information you need.Some people uses phones to talk to people about homework, research, or projects. This can prepare students for the real world,most working people rely on their phones for work. They can access their email, call clients, check inventory, read the news, use software applications etc. And it's also a benefit too. 

Secondly incase on an emergency if the student forgot to bring his  homework, he could call his parents or caregiver and ask them to bring it to school without causing any problem.  In more serious emergencies, like a school threat or fire etc, phones could help students connect with worried parents.

Thirdly Students know they shouldn’t use their phones in school to play games, or listen to music, or text their friends about the quiz they just took. Phones should be used responsibly and for educational purposes.For example Students can use phones for download an app contains a lot of information for science.Teachers could prevent students from cheating by making students put their phones on “airplane mode” or any mode that will not allow them to send/receive any messages or use the Internet. Whenever there is a test, teachers can make students put their mobile devices in the front of the classroom until the test is over.

In Conclusion Phones should be allowed to be used at school because we can use it for educational purposes,teach them responsibility,  for serious emergency, and prepare them for the real world ahead of them. 

Monday 3 September 2018

7 Symbols Of The Sacraments

In class we have been learning about the 7 sacraments , after that we were tasked to make a the symbols of the 7 sacraments. What i found hard is nothing , what i found easy is to make the symbols, what i can do next is to draw them.